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Pet Carriers & Cable Ties

by Amy on February 1st, 2013

As you know, here at CableTiesPlus, we are always looking for different or unique ways people use electrical accessories.  We have seen dresses made from cable ties and have discovered that you can use heat shrink tubing to fix handles on tools.  I have found another way to use cable ties while I was watching Animal Cops on Animal Planet one day.   As you may know if you have ever seen the show, there are times when the rescue team needs to go out on multi-animal rescues.  When they do this, they fill their vehicles with pet carriers to put the animals in.  When they put the pet carriers into the trucks, they are disassembled with the tops of the pet carriers fitting perfectly inside the bottom of the pet carrier.  This allows the rescue team to get more pet carriers in the vehicles than they would if they left the pet carriers whole. They then quickly assemble the carriers on site to put the animals in.

Normally, the top attaches to the bottom of the pet carrier with nuts and bolts.  This can be time-consuming to assemble so, if you have to do it quickly, or you have a lot to assemble, time is not of the essence in this case. The men and women of the show though do not use the nuts and bolts to put the pet carriers together, they use cable ties.  By using cable ties, they can get the pet carriers put together quickly and securely before they load the animals into the pet carriers.  One of the best things is no harm will come to the people handling the carriers because there are no nuts or bolts for them to scratch or cut themselves on.  Another thing, they know that the animals are safely secured in the crates and they do not have to worry about any bolts not being secured correctly.  The best part, it is cost-effective to use cable ties.

This is just another use of our cable ties.  I’m sure there are many more unusual uses so please feel free to comment below and let us know your unusual use of cable ties.

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