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Dual Lock Reclosable Fasteners

by Amy on November 30th, 2012

The Dual Lock Reclosable Fastener is a new product in our fastener line.  We are currently carrying the fastener in the trial bag size.  This gives the user a 1”x 10’ roll.

The Dual Lock Fastener has as unique look.  The strips contain stems that look like a bunch of little mushrooms lined up in a row.  When you mate two strips together, you get an interlock that creates a strong seal.  You can also hear them snap together giving you the knowledge that the product is securely sealed.

The Dual Lock Fasteners come in 3 different stem densities: 170, 250, and 400.  This means that there are 170, 250, or 400 stems per square inch. By combining different stem densities, you can create the strength you need.  CableTiesPlus carries two different trial bag options: 250/250 and 400/170.  We recommend using either the 250/400 combination for the strongest hold or the 250/170 for the lightest loads.  The 400/170 provides a medium weight hold.  3M does not recommend using a 170/170 as this combination is the weakest combination available and it may not hold up under any pressure.  Nor do they recommend using the 400/400 combination unless it is a permanent solution, because it provides the strongest hold and you may damage the fasteners when trying to pull the two sides apart.


The fasteners are available with two different types of adhesives.  A rubber based adhesive and an acrylic based adhesive.  Both of these adhesives are pressure sensitive so once you place the strips onto a surface, a cure time of 1 hour is the recommended minimum amount of time before using the product in its intended use.  It is recommended that you wait 72 hours for maximum adhesive bonding and drying.  Both these adhesives provide a permanent bond.

Rubber Adhesive

The Dual Lock Reclosable Fasteners, TB3540 and TB3541/42, come with a rubber based pressure sensitive adhesive (PSA) which is good for many plastic surfaces, powder coated paints and other low surface energy materials.

Acrylic Adhesive

Acrylic adhesives bond to the widest variety of surfaces including hard-to-bond-to surfaces such as oily metals and hard-to-bond-to plastics.  The Dual Lock Fasteners, TB3550 and TB3551/52 have an acrylic PSA.


Each combination of fasteners has an approximate life cycle of 1000 closures which saves money and time because you do not have to keep changing the fasteners out. The table below is a summary of the products.


Part Number


Stem Density


Life Cycle of Closures

Temperature Resistance




Acrylic PSA






Acrylic PSA






Rubber PSA






Rubber PSA




If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call us at 800-926-5981.

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